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As an open source package, fastapi-crudrouter accepts contributions from all members of the community. If you are interested in the contributing, reading the development guidelines below may help you in the process. 😊



Please create an issue to report a bug, request a feature or to simply ask a question.

Pull Requests

Unless the pull request is a simple bugfix, please try to create an issue before starting on the implementation of your pull request. This ensures that the potential feature is in alignment with CRUDRouter's goals moving forward. This also allows for feedback on the feature and potential help on where to start implementation wise.


Installing the Dev Requirements

FastAPI-Crudrouter requires as set of development requirements that can installed with pip be found in tests/dev.requirements.txt

$ pip install -r tests/dev.requirements.txt
---> 100%


When adding additional features, please try to add additional tests that prove that your implementation works and is bug free.

Test requirements

Tests require a postgres database for tests to run. The easiest way to accomplish this is with docker. This project offers a docker-compose file at tests/conf/dev.docker-compose.yaml. You can use this file with

$ docker compose -f tests/conf/dev.docker-compose.yaml up -d

After testing you can tear down the running containers with

$ docker compose -f tests/conf/dev.docker-compose.yaml down

Running tests

Crudrouter utilizes the pytest framework for all of its unittests. Tests can be run as shown below.

$ pytest
---> 100%

Linting, Formatting and Typing

With dev.requirements.txt installed above you also install tools to lint, format and static type check the project.

To format the project run:

black fastapi_crudrouter tests

To check styles, imports, annotations, pep8 etc. run:

flake8 fastapi_crudrouter

To check static types annotations run:

mypy fastapi_crudrouter tests


Crudrouter's documentation was built using mkdocs-material. To start the development documentation server, please first install mkdocs-material and then run the server as shown below.

$ pip install mkdocs-material
---> 100%
$ cd docs/en
$ mkdocs serve

Tidbits on Implementation